A day in the life of a pregnant woman definitely has its ups and downs. First of all, I have not slept through the night in many many months. A painfully full bladder usually wakes me up around 11pm, 2:30am, and then ironically about 45 minutes before my alarm is set to go off! I am about 32 weeks pregnant, so getting out of bed (and the previously blogged about bunker) is getting really hard. Recently I have been experiencing SPD (Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction). This is basically when your body sends a hormone down to your pubic bones to soften and separate them to get ready for birth. Incidentally, IT HURTS!! It specifically hurts when you try to use one leg at a time. I.E. walking up stairs, getting in your car, putting on pants, and then putting on socks, and then putting on shoes...hahaha!! I'm told this is all normal.

About 2 weeks ago I started getting this pain in my lower right rib. Turns out that sharp pain is my abdominal muscles separating...YAY :) But allllllll of this pain and uncomfortability is completely overshadowed the second Jett does something incredible (which is like everyday). The other day Brett and I were sitting on the couch having our daily "talk to Jett" session. We usually see who can get the biggest kick. Well on this particular night, Jett was moving but it was in a rhythmic motion. We figured out our sweet little babe had the hiccups!!! How cute is that?? At that moment I was like what SPD? Then, last week we had some 3D/4D ultrasounds done that brought tears to our eyes!

We were told that at 30 weeks, our little one (haha) was measuring 3 weeks ahead. The average baby is usually about 3 pounds at this point, where Jett is almost 5 pounds!! Honestly, I didn't care what the nurse told me....I mean LOOK AT THIS FACE!! What an angel :)

All in all I would have to say that the amazing always outweighs the pains of pregnancy.
OMG! I totally forgot how hard it became to just put on socks when I was pregnant! That was my ultimate dressing battle!